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Does Cessnock need it’s own maternity ward?

Quintin King for Cessnock – Pauline Hanson’s One Nation says it’s a national disgrace that mothers from Cessnock don’t have access to a maternity ward and have to travel to Maitland Hospital to birth their newborns.

The extra travel puts strain on new parents who are juggling their families and work commitments around their birthing plan.

What if there’s an emergency the new parents might have to drive in frantic state or painfully wait for an Ambulance to arrive and be taken to Maitland hospital.

The Cessnock City population is now just short of 65,000 residents and growing fast and would benefit greatly from having its own maternity.

having a maternity ward in Cessnock would not only improve access to quality maternal health care, but also facilitate a safe and comfortable delivery for mothers and their babies.

Does Cessnock need a maternity ward?

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