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The NSW Government Committed to School Zone Saftey

Flashing lights at 40km school zones across the Hunter will fail unless the NSW Government urgently commits $13 million a year in maintenance funding, damning documents obtained by the NSW Labor Opposition have revealed.

It is unbelievable that the NSW Government wouldn’t consider the safety of kids around our schools to be an urgent priority,” said Mr Barr.

But it’s very hard to imagine the state government abandoning school zone flashing lights. So we reached out to Transport NSW for clarity and were told that the NSW Government is committed to maintaining school zones.

A NSW Transport spokeperson said “The NSW Government is committed to delivering its vital infrastructure program, including protecting our children with school zone safety systems.”

“Every school in NSW has at least one set of school zone flashing lights and all of them are correctly maintained.”

“All schools also have prominent signs and “dragon’s teeth” road markings to improve school zone visibility and remind drivers that they must slow down to 40km/h during school zone times.”

“The term “requires maintenance” has absolutely no impact on safety. It is a term that is used to prioritise future maintenance activity.”

So it’s a safe bet school zone flashing lights will continue to operate for many years to come.

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