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These two found out fraud is not a good idea.

Fraud and scamming people sounds like a quick and easy way to earn a quick dollar, but in many cases it’s just lands you in hot water with the law. To be honest a lot planning and preparation goes into a good scam and so many people fall victim to it but some scams are just plain dumb and they were always going to get caught.

The old saying goes if it’s to good to be true is probably is as some local farmers in the Hunter found out recently when they purchased discounted hay advertised on Facebook.

Today we have just learnt about 2 people who have been arrested for fraud in Newcastle, police executed a search warrant at a Newcastle property and found a large amount of stolen property which included stolen credit cards, stolen medical scripts and jewellery and property police believe was brought with the stolen credit cards.

A 27 year woman and a 24 year old man will face court next week.

Whilst these cases mentioned above are not the most clever scams it’s easy to fall victim to a scammer of fraudster even if it’s the scam run by people with half a brain.

Tips to avoid being scammed

  • Cancel all lost and stolen credit cards and licenses immediately
  • Shred all documents that contain any personal details
  • Never give credit card details to incoming phone calls or door knockers.
  • Hang up on robocalls and don’t respond to automated messages
  • Don’t pay upfront for a promise.

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