You are currently viewing 9 things you want to know about the Swansea Clowns

9 things you want to know about the Swansea Clowns

Ever since photos have started popping up online featuring the Swansea Clown on the local community pages, there’s questions that need answering. We can only answer a few of the questions as many remain a mystery.

How many clowns are there in Swansea NSW

Two Clowns, It started as one clown, but recently a second clown appeared.

Who are the clowns

The true identity of the clowns remains unknown, but a few names are passed around on the Swansea Community Page

Are the photos staged?

Whilst the clowns do appear to pose in some of the photos each photo sighting has been uploaded by a different person. Perhaps they are friendly.

Can I get a selfie with the clowns?

Unsure no one has gotten close enough to ask.

Is MHV NEWS connected to the clowns

Absolutely not, we know just as much as anyone else.

Why has no other news site run a story on the clowns?

Maybe they are scared of clowns, our photo of last weeks sighting was most shared image from any other news site in the Hunter with 661 shares and 788 comments and reached almost 150,000 people.

Clowns are so 2016 why have they shown up now?

We don’t know, but it’s a great distraction from the regular news cycle.

Will the clowns hurt me?

So far they appear harmless and they have not hurt or chased anyone.

What should I do if run into them?

Id say just go about your business as usual, but if you happen to get a photo send it to MHV NEWS

We hope that clears things up a bit, we have noticed a lot threats to the clowns on our social media pages, we do not encourage or condone any violence, please keep it classy 🙂

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