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Mayor Baker Defends Operation Plan as labor councillor takes aim at Deputy Mayor Penfold

Mayor Baker has defended her operational plan for 20/21 on Facebook saying she was proud of her plan and there is something for everyone, but neglected to mention in her post the 7.2% rate rise or the Maitland Art Galley’s $32,000 per week short fall in her message to her loyal supporters who praised the Mayor.

Mayor Baker also said “the Operational Plan was adopted by a majority vote with all Labor and Liberal councillor voting for and only the Penfold Independents against the plan. It is worth noting that this increase is the final one under Council’s Special Rate Variation that was approved by IPART and Council in June 2014 and supported by Clr Penfold.

Councillor Ferris said ” Maitland is progressing in leaps and bounds under this great Lady’s leadership. Never mind Philip Penfold’s incessant attempt to score cheap political points.”

With the support of Labor and Liberal councillors the rate rise will happen and it will hurt. I’m sure this rate rise will affect the way many people will vote come September. Mayor Baker only had a narrow win over Deupty Mayor Penfold in the last election. Penfold now has positioned him self as the front runner at the next election.

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