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Tension Flare Over Smart City Debate in Cessnock Council Meeting

A packed Gallery of Cessnock Council was the site of a lively debate on smart cities and 15 minute cities, as community members and councilors gathered to discuss the potential implementation of these urban planning concepts. Mayor Jay Suvaal opened the meeting with a Welcome to Country, which was briefly interrupted by the crowd. However, he continued to honor the traditional owners of the land after offering those who wished to leave the option to do so.

Before the discussion on smart cities, a few motions were put forward for councilors to vote on. One member of the community, Jessica Adler, gave a speech outlining her concerns for the future if smart cities and/or 15 minute cities were implemented in Cessnock. Her speech was well received by the members in the gallery.

It was revealed that councilors had received a briefing from the NSW Government behind closed doors in relation to 15 minute cities. Councillor Moore dismissed the prospect of Cessnock becoming a 15 minute city due to a lack of infrastructure and public transport. He also described the roads as “third world roads.”

Mayor Suvaal argued that smart cities and 15 minute cities are two completely different things, and that Cessnock has not signed up to be a smart city. He also stated that conspiracy theories are driving the public’s anxiety over smart cities.

Councillor Jessica Jurd argued that the NSW State Government’s Six Cities program includes the Lower Hunter, which references 15 minute cities. Mayor Suvaal responded by saying that the Six Cities program gives the Lower Hunter a seat at the planning table so that they do not end up with another Huntlee situation, where thousands of houses have been built but no services or schools have been provided.

The crowd interjected several times during the debate, and some were threatened with being kicked out of the meeting. A motion was put forward for the General Manager to bring back a report into smart cities and 15 minute cities, and to clarify whether Cessnock had signed up and who authorized it. Mayor Suvaal was adamant that Cessnock had not signed up.

Ultimately, the motion was defeated, and members of the gallery voiced their disappointment. One person was kicked out of the members gallery. The discussion surrounding smart cities and 15 minute cities in Cessnock will undoubtedly continue as community members and councilors work to find a solution that benefits everyone.

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