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Cash, pills, guns and stupid crims.

3 of the dumbest crims are in custody after police spotted a suspected stolen Mazda parked at a service station in Mereweather, 2 men were arrested in the shop and the 3, rd lead police on a pursuit around Newcastle.

Road spikes were deployed on industrial drive and the car later crashed into a set of traffic lights at Tourle Street and Industrial Drive the driver fled on foot and was found hiding in a nearby backyard.

Police allegedly found pills, a rifle, ammo and 9k in cold hard cash

I am just gobsmacked to how they thought this would be a good idea and they would get away with it. Rule number 1 was broken never ride in a stolen vehicle.

Police have done a great job arresting the 2 inside the petrol station and to continue to pursue the 3rd man

All 3 men have been charged with various offences and will face Newcastle court later in the week.

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